What to visit in Hidalgo?
1. Zona Arqueológica de Tula
The archaeological zone of Tula, located to the north of the Basin of Mexico, is the settlement that after the Epiclassic or Late Classic period, unified, through trade and conquest, a vast territory in Mesoamerica, noting its influences from the area of the shoal to the Yucatan Peninsula, and even to El Salvador and Nicaragua.
3. Prismas Balsáticos
Known throughout the world, they were discovered by Baron Alexander Von Humboldt during his visit in 1803. The prisms are gigantic columns that, in a geometric shape, decorate the walls of an impressive ravine. They are a geological phenomenon of singular beauty, almost unique on the continent, where the waters of the San Antonio dam form four waterfalls on the basalt columns.
5. Acueducto del padre Tembleque
It is the most unique attraction in Zempoala, and the most important hydraulic work of the viceroyalty in America, it is the space where time, memory and ancestral legacies find a close link that is preserved in the heart of the state of Hidalgo. The Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque, a great work with more than 400 years old.